Better town for our children

The Samfylkingin og óháðir party emphasizes the welfare of children and families in Seltjarnarnes. We believe in building a society where the systems and programs benefits all. We believe that there is a great need to improve preventive measures by restoring the preventive- and recreational programs for children and teenagers to its former standings. We believe in increasing the recreational support for families to 75.000 kr. per child will help with creating positive motives for participation in sports, recreational programs and arts - all of which are inherently preventive in nature. 

Some children today require a lot of support for various reasons. Others require less support, but at a critical point in their lives. Still others require more in depth support for longer periods. Our kids come in all shapes, sizes and colours but sadly, as the state of things are, we are not able to provide the appropriate support at the appropriate time. We believe in improving processes and investing in more professional services to be able to meet the needs of kids with special needs sooner and before resolving/meeting needs becomes a greater challenge. This means making the necessary services available with less wait times to be able to provide support when it's needed and by doing so reducing the need for further support later in life. We believe that his is a fundamental way to improve the lives our children and their parents.

We want to work with the Ministry of Education and Children to bring in funds through the children's benefits law to build up a team of professionals in family matters that works across schools, sports and recreational programs along with health care providers. The role of this team would be to conduct preventive screenings for candidates with needs, to provide education and support to our schools and sport clubs. Furthermore, the team would be responsible for making sure that children with varied needs for support will get the appropriate support across schools, sports and recreational programs. This way we can support children and their families, as well as teachers and other professionals that work with kids requiring additional support - creating an environment where everyone feels happy and content.


As we enter the third decade of the new century we are faced with complex world that is rapidly changing and bringing more challenges for us to address and work through. Recent studies show that children that are starting school today will have to change jobs more than eleven times from the age of eighteen and forty-two and up to twenty times before they retire. More than half of those jobs haven't been invented/established yet. 

We want to finish the work started around a unified educational directive for Seltjarnarnes where the child is at the heart of the directive and emphasis is placed on cooperation between schools, social services, parents, sports and recreational programs. The goal is for every child to have an opportunity to find their way and discover where their future lies. 

Ahead of us is a pivotal point in our schools as many of the most experienced employees are retiring at the same time as we as a nation face a big shortage of teachers. We want to make our schools a place that teachers seek to work at, a place that attracts teachers that are forward thinking and creative, where teachers trust that the municipality wants to invest in the employees. We want to create room for our schools to become a places where teachers of all genders want to work at, where our children can look up to diverse group of people that are teaching and supporting them. 

We want to create a fund aimed at professional development for teachers and other support staff that is based on a newly adapted educational directive. Professionals within our schools should be able to seek funding to expand their learnings and initiate projects that make their jobs more forward thinking and innovative. We want to create an environment where teachers have the room to develop as professionals and they perceive that they can make an impact within their school and their classroom. In order for progressive development projects can be successful across all subjects and school levels the classrooms need to be equipped with modern technology. 

It is important to increase professional support in our schools and improve the services that are provided there. The goal should be to improve our ability to provide preventive support and apply the appropriate solutions at the right time to make sure no child gets lost in between systems or solutions. Research highlights that early interventions of appropriate support at the kindergarten and earliest levels of primary school saves money in the long run as well as increases the overall welfare of children.

It is important to be mindful of how kids feel during their studies and at play within the walls of our schools and to make sure they feel safe in their school environments. We want to further improve the collaboration between the homes and the schools to guarantee success in reaching that goal. We will work towards improving the processes in place on how the municipality and schools deal with bullying. Furthermore, we want to clarify how authorities should deal with cyberbullying and establish more preventive programs in that area. We want to increase sexual and LGTBQ education in our primary school where respectful communications and relationships as well as sexual health are highlighted and emphasised.

It is a priority to improve the school grounds for our primary schools. The grounds are a place for play and social bonding and it is important we offer a wide variety of equipment and landscape that facilitate bonding and playing. Empty school grounds are likelier to prompt negative behaviours such as bullying and teasing. We want to build a new football field at Mýrarhúsaskóli that can be used by three groups at a time. We want to buy more equipment that lends itself well to the environment and facilitates imaginative and positive playtime.

Samfylkingin og óháðir want to:

  • Finish the work on a new educational directive where the child is at the center and the systems work together to adapt to the needs of our children
  • Create a job environment that enviable and attracts new teachers
  • Improve professional level support in our schools 
  • Improve school services, use early interventions and apply appropriate support as preventive measures 
  • Establish a development fund that funds projects that are built on our educational directive
  • Nútímavæða kennslustofur og búnað kennara
  • Stuðla að blönduðum fyrirmyndum með fjölgun karlkennara 
  • Auka kynfræðslu og hinseginfræðslu í samstarfi við utanaðkomandi sérfræðinga
  • Endurskoða og efla verkferla og áætlanir í eineltismálum
  • Improve the school grounds at Grunnskóli Seltjarnarnes, build an outdoor class room and add a facility to house bikes and scooters.


We intend to start work on a new building for the kindergarten. There have been multiple people working in committees without any visible results towards a better school environment. This has had a bad effect on the professional work being done in the kindergarten and on the teachers’ and staffs’ job satisfaction. User experience is also at a low. We believe that investing in a new, attractive and wholesome workplace for both children and staff will add value to our town. Building a new kindergarten is a vital step towards ensuring that all children are ensured a place in a powerful and wholesome environment from the age of 12 months old. That is what our children deserve.

New kindergarten, powerful educational directive and developmental funds to our schools are fundamental to maintaining quality education and professional services. Ahead of us is a big renewal of teachers at the kindergarten level at a time when there is a shortage of teachers at that level. We want to establish the new educational directive and put in place a developmental fund where teachers can apply for funds to start new initiatives to support the new educational directive. It is important that the town of Seltjarnarnes become open to innovation and new initiatives within our schools, driven forward by the powerful professionals that work there.

It is important to increase professional support in our schools and improve the services that are provided there. The goal should be to improve our ability to provide preventive support and apply the appropriate solutions at the right time to make sure no child gets lost in between systems or solutions. Research highlights that early interventions of appropriate support at the kindergarten and earliest levels of primary school saves money in the long run as well as increases the overall welfare of children.

Samfylkingin og óháðir want to:

  • Build a new kindergarten based on the winning proposal Andrúm
  • Finish the work on a new educational directive where the child is at the center and the systems work together to adapt to the needs of our children
  • Create a job environment that enviable and attracts new teachers
  • Establish a development fund that funds projects that are built on our educational directive
  • Ensure children attending kindergarten receive the best services
  • Ensure that the kindergarten is ready to receive children from the age of 12 months
  • Make sure that the number of children per class takes heed of the professional needs and facility needs
  • Remove any uncertainty about when a child will receive their invitation to attend

Íþróttir og æskulýðsstarf

Öflugt íþrótta- og æskulýðsstarf hefur verið eitt af aðalsmerkjum Seltjarnarnesbæjar. Samstarf og samfella á milli skóla, tómstunda og Gróttu er til fyrirmyndar en með því hefur tekist að stytta vinnudag barna og unglinga og þar með gefa fjölskyldum meiri tíma til samveru. Markviss stefna í tómstundamálum er órjúfanlegur þáttur í forvörnum sveitarfélagsins. Auk þess sýna rannsóknir að hreyfing stuðli að auknu líkamlegu heilbrigði og betri andlegri líðan. 

Mikilvægt er að efla frístundamiðstöð Seltjarnarnesbæjar og endurráða æskulýðsfulltrúa á Seltjarnarnesi. Frístundamiðstöð Seltjarnarnesi á að halda úti öflugu tómstundastarfi fyrir börn og unglinga á Seltjarnarnesi þar sem menntun, forvarnir og afþreying er veitt með heildstæðri þjónustu allan ársins hring.  Samfylking og óháðir leggja áherslu á að bilið milli frístundar og félagsmiðstöðvar Seltjarnarness verði brúað þannig að aldurshópurinn 10-12 ára, sem þessa stundina fellur milli skips og báru, njóti sömu þjónustu og aðrir. 

Samfylking og óháðir leggja áherslu á tómstundir fyrir allra. Við viljum tryggja að öll börn, óháð efnahag foreldra og félagslegri stöðu, hafi jöfn tækifæri til íþrótta- og tómstundaiðkunar á Seltjarnarnesi auk þess sem þeim verði gert kleift að sinna hugðarefnum sínum og tómstundum í umsjón hæfra leiðbeinanda. Samfylking og óháðir ætla bjóða öllum börnum á Seltjarnarnesi frá 5 ára aldri 75.000 króna aldri tómstundastyrk.

Íþróttastarfið í Gróttu er órjúfanlegur hluti af samfélaginu á Seltjarnarnesi og viljum vinna markvisst með Gróttu að því að efla faglegt íþróttastarf og auka virkni í starfi félagsins. Samfylking og óháðir leggja áherslu á að spornað verði við brottfalli iðkenda úr Gróttu með því að efla félagslega samheldni í eldri flokkum auk þess að stuðla enn frekar jafnræði í aðstöðu og aðbúnaði milli stúlkna og drengja. Sérstök áhersla verði lögð á það að opna aðgengi aðfluttra og innflytjenda að íþróttastarfi Gróttu og að mynda félagsleg tengsl. Vinna þarf í samráði við Gróttu skýra viðhalds- og framkvæmdaáætlun fyrir íþróttamannvirki Gróttu svo viðhaldi sé sinnt tímanlega og óvissu eytt við fjárhagsáætlunargerð.

Stór hluti ungmenna hættir íþrótta- og tómstundaiðkun eftir grunnskóla. Heilsuefling fyrir þennan aldurshóp og styrking félagslegra tengsla í nærumhverfinu er mikilvæg á tíma og áframhaldandi menntun er sótt í önnur sveitarfélög. Samfylking og óháðir vilja koma á laggirnar rafíþróttadeild á Seltjarnarnesi í samstarfi Selsins og Gróttu.

Samfylkingin og óháðir want to:

  • Endurráða æskulýðsfulltrúa á Seltjarnarnesi
  • Further improve the youth center and Grótta sports club
  • Brúa bilið á milli frístunda og félagsmiðstöðvar fyrir aldurshópinn 10-12 ára.
  • Increase the sports- and recreational grant from 50.000 to 75.000 for children aged 5 years and older
  • Sporna við brottfalli úr íþróttastarfi Gróttu
  • Tryggja jafnt aðgengi og aðbúnað stráka og stúlkna í íþróttastarfi Gróttu
  • Tryggja öryggi, aðstöðu og og tækifæri allra kynja til að taka þátt í íþrótta- og tómstundastarfi
  • Treysta félagsleg tengsl með aðstoð við börn innflytjenda og aðflutt börn 
  • Vinna viðhalds- og framkvæmdaáætlun fyrir íþróttamannvirki Gróttu svo viðhaldi sé sinnt og óvissu eytt
  • Establish an e-sport club in collaboration with Selið and Grótta

Listkennsla og listaskólar

Listkennsla og menningaruppeldi er forsenda skapandi hugsunar sem einnig er skilgreind sem lykilfærni í heimi sem tekur miklum breytingum frá degi til dags. Á sama tíma lífga og lita listir og menning umhverfi okkar og bjóða okkur tilbreytingu frá lífsins amstri. Seltjarnarnes hefur alla burði til að verða skapandi og skemmtilegt samfélag þar sem rými er fyrir það skipulagða til jafns við það óvænta og sjálfsprottna.

Samfylking og óháðir vilja að listir verði snar þáttur í uppeldi og kennslu barna og ungmenna á Seltjarnarnesi. Við viljum tryggja öfluga verk- og listkennslu á öllum skólastigum með aðkomu listamanna í tímabundnum verkefnum. Við viljum sjá til þess að öllum grunnskólabörnum standi til boða leikhús-, safna- og/eða tónleikaferð á hverju skólaári, þeim að kostnaðarlausu. Samfylking og óháðir vilja treysta frekar rekstur Tónlistarskóla Seltjarnarness ásamt því að sinna betur viðhaldi á húsnæði skólans.

Samfylkingin og óháðir want to:

  • Tryggja öfluga verk- og listkennslu á öllum skólastigum.
  • Bjóða upp á leikhús-, safna- og tónleikaferðir fyrir skólabörn, þeim að kostnaðarlausu.
  • Treysta frekar rekstur og bæta viðhald í Tónlistarskóla Seltjarnarness
  • Byggja upp Barnamenningarhátíð
  • Búa til hvatningarsjóð fyrir unga listamenn.